
Samhainophobia (Fear of Halloween)

Samhainophobia is a fear of Halloween. People with this specific phobia feel anxious when they think about or experience anything to do with Halloween. Many people with samhainophobia have gone through a past traumatic situation related to Halloween. Exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy can help you overcome samhainophobia.

What is samhainophobia?
People with samhainophobia (sam-HI-noh-phobia) have a fear of Halloween. Someone with samhainophobia may have extreme fear or anxiety at the thought of Halloween, including:

🎃Halloween parties.
🎃 symbols such as ghosts and spiders.

What does the word samhain mean?
The word samhain comes from the festival of Samhain, first celebrated by the Celtic druids about 2,000 years ago. The Celts mainly lived in the region that is now Ireland, Northern France and the United Kingdom.

The Celts believed that the living and the dead mingled on Oct. 31, the night before the Celtic New Year. The festival included large bonfires, where they sacrificed animals to please the dead. The Celts often wore costumes made of animal skins and heads.

What is a phobia?
Phobias are a form of anxiety disorder. They lead to an excessive fear of an event or situation that isn’t harmful in reality.

Samhainophobia is a type of specific phobia disorder. A specific situation (Halloween) leads to a fearful response.

How common is samhainophobia?
About 9% of American adults and close to 20% of teenagers have a specific phobia disorder — like samhainophobia — sometime in their lives. These disorders affect nearly twice as many women as men.

What does a person with samhainophobia fear?
Someone with samhainophobia may be afraid of

🎃Children wearing costumes and makeup while trick-or-treating.
🎃Halloween traditions, especially being scared or startled, such as at costume parties and haunted houses or with ghost stories.
🎃Knocking on strangers’ doors or going out in the dark when trick-or-treating.
🎃Participating in social activities, such as Halloween parties.
🎃Things associated with Halloween including ghosts, spiders, witchcraft or zombies.

Who is at risk for samhainophobia?
You’re more likely to develop samhainophobia or a different type of specific phobia disorder if you already have:

🎃Another phobia.
🎃Anxiety disorder.
🎃Panic disorder.
🎃Substance use disorder.

What are the causes of samhainophobia?

Possible causes of samhainophobia include:

🎃Past frightening experiences: People who had a traumatic experience related to Halloween may develop samhainophobia. These negative experiences may include being tricked while trick-or-treating or visiting a scary haunted house at a young age. In these cases, you might have both samhainophobia and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
🎃Family history: Your risk of having a phobia increases if you have a parent or close relative with a phobic disorder or anxiety disorder. You may be more anxious than other people if you have a certain gene mutation (change).
🎃Modeling: Seeing a person with samhainophobia or hearing someone talk about their fear of Halloween can cause you to have the same phobia.

What are the complications of samhainophobia?
Severe samhainophobia can impact your quality of life. You may not want to attend social events, go shopping or even leave the house during the period around Halloween. It can be difficult to see friends and family during this time.

Children with samhainophobia may not want to go to school. They may refuse to go trick-or-treating or to go to Halloween-related events with their friends.

Some people experience panic attacks, which can lead to noncardiac chest pain and a racing heart rate. Constant worries about having panic attacks can result in a panic disorder that may require the long-term use of anti-anxiety medications.
