
A pangram is a sentence or expression that uses all the letters of the alphabet. Adjective: pangrammatic. Also called a holoalphabetic sentence or an alphabet sentence.

The words in a "genuine" pangram (one in which each letter appears only once) are sometimes called non-pattern words.

The best known pangram in English is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog," a sentence that's often used for touch-typing practice.

"Sensewise," says Howard Richler, "pangrams are the antithesis to palindromes. For in palindromes the sense increases with the brevity of the palindromic statement; in pangrams sense usually deteriorates proportionately with brevity" (A Bawdy Language: How a Second-rate Language Slept Its Way to the Top, 1999).


💚 Two driven jocks help fax my big quiz.​

💚 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. 

💚 The five boxing wizards jump quickly. 

💚 Bright vixens jump; dozy fowl quack. 

💚 Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. 

💚 John quickly extemporized five tow bags. 

💚 Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. 

💚 Quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim. 

💚 Brown jars prevented the mixture from freezing too quickly. 

💚 Fred specialized in the job of making very quaint wax toys. 

💚 New job: fix Mr Gluck's hazy TV, PD. 

💚 Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag. 

💚 We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize. 

💚 J.Q. Schwartz flung V.D. Pike my box
Viewing quizzical abstracts mixed up hefty jocks. 

💚 Farmer jack realized that big yellow quilts were expensive. 

💚 My girl wove six dozen plaid jackets before she quit 
