Turtles Shell

No, turtles cannot get out of their shells. Rather, their shells are a fused part of their body and grow with them. Turtles are born with their shells, and slowly get bigger as the turtle grows. 

A good source of calcium will help in shell growth in turtles. They will shed small parts of the carapace (top), shedding their scutes which are keratinized parts of the shell that protect the actual bony shell. 

It is physically impossible for a turtle to be removed from its shell. They would certainly perish in the process, as their organs are inside of the shell and the only protruding parts of them are their arms, legs, tail, and head. 

Turtles should not be confused with animals like hermit crabs, who are born without their shells and must search for a shell to call home. They also need to change into larger shells as they grow and get larger. Turtles do not need to undergo this process; they simply grow with their shell and shed the old layers in the process (mostly in aquatic species rather than tortoises).
