People Are Happiest At 7:26 PM On Saturday Night

It may have not required the most stringent of research, but the happiest time of the week has been established as 7.26pm on a Saturday evening, according to a study.

Early Saturday evening emerged as the preferred time for millions because they are finally able to relax and unwind after a busy week at work.

The study also found 7.29am on a Monday - amid the commute to the office after an enjoyable weekend - is the lowest point for most.

One third of Brits regularly spend time with friends on a Saturday night, either dining out, going to pubs and clubs or going to each other's houses.

Seven out of ten said they then 'dread' returning to work after the weekend.

Peter Morton, from Multibionta, which conducted the poll of 3,000 British people, said: 'It takes the average person a little while to wind down from work, but by Saturday night the majority of us are feeling great.

'Whether it's watching our favourite television programme, getting ready to go out with friends or spending quality time with the family, it is the time of the week when we feel at our happiest.

'Saturday night is also the most relaxing night of the week because we know we have another day ahead of us before getting ready for work again.'

The study found two thirds of Brits claim they live for the weekends, simply 'going through the motions' during the week.

Seven out of ten said thinking about their plans for the weekend was the only thing which keeps them going at work.

Nearly eight out of ten people admitted counting down the days and hours until the weekend.

The study shows the same percentage of people get a 'Sunday feeling' most weekends when they know the working week is approaching.

Half of those polled resent having to get up early on a Monday morning, while one in ten dread the arduous commute to the office.

On Monday morning, 12 per cent of Brits who have children feel 'sad' they won't get to see their children much during the week.

A fifth of those polled dread their busy workloads, and a third feel depressed that the next weekend is so far away.

Peter Morton added: 'Our research shows that due to our hectic lifestyles, we really do live for the weekend as it is when we have time to indulge in the more enjoyable aspects of life.

'Sometimes it is the little things that can have biggest impact and simply organising little treats for each day to boost your mood as the week progresses can make all the difference to how we feel.

'Looking after your health and wellbeing can play a role too and taking a daily supplement is a convenient way to boost your intake of beneficial vitamins and minerals.'
