Google Maps

We All Love Google Maps , It’s help us to find New places​ in cities and it also show us Best Route ,save our couple hours from Traffic. How You Ever thought , How Google Traffic is working ?

The Answer Is Very Simple, Google Maps Check the traffic by tracking moving of android phones on roads.

When we combine speed of device with the speed of other phones on the road, across thousands of phones moving around a city at given time, we can get a better picture of live traffic conditions.

Our Android Phone Send anonymous Data to Google , It tell Google that how fast we are Moving on Road.
Early Version of Google maps use to depends on Traffic Sensors which was installed by Government and private companies. By using Radar technology and sensor where enabled to detect Traffic situation of roads.

In 2013 After acquisitions of waze app which very popular among the drivers, Google Maps became more Accurate. Driver use Waze app to Traffic incidents which includes disabled vehicles , Accidents , slowdown and even Speed traps.the real time event really helpful for Google maps to check current Traffic situation.
There is privacy issue arising from this, but Google handled that by anonymizing and aggregating data before calculating the traffic, and allowing individual users to opt-out.
