Cloud Weigh

Have you ever wondered how much a cloud weighs? Because they float so effortlessly, it would be easy to assume they are almost weightless. But, they are most certainly not.

According to scientists, the weight of the average cumulus cloud is 1.1 million pounds! Think about that for a moment. This means that at any given moment, there are millions of pounds of water floating above your head. That’s the equivalent of 100 elephants.

So, how does that much weight stay afloat? For one thing, the weight is spread out into millions of droplets over a really big space. Some of the droplets are so small that you would need a million of them to make a single raindrop.

How much would you have guessed a cloud weighed? Want to learn more about how scientists came up with the weight? Head over to Mental Floss for more on this cool story.
