Aquaman is now the top worldwide grossing movie in the DC Comics

The highest grossing DC comic film adaptation of all time is 2018 release ‘Aquaman’, which generated around 1.15 billion U.S. dollars in box offices worldwide. The final two films in DC’s wildly popular Dark Knight franchise round out the top of the list, with each film grossing over one billion dollars worldwide.

The DC Universe

The DC Universe encompasses a variety of films, television shows, radio programs, videos games, toys and comic books. It is one of the top ten highest grossing film franchises of all time, although it lags significantly behind its main competitor: Marvel. Like Marvel, DC benefits from the fact that its franchise includes some of the most recognizable superheroes in the world, with a massive portion of the U.S. population familiar with Superman, Batman Woman and the Flash.

Superhero film craze

Although superhero films have been popular for decades, the past few years have seen them grow into a genre all of their own, with domestic box office revenue from superhero films frequently eclipsing one billion dollars. Due to the interconnectivity of the superhero storylines and the fictional worlds that they reside in, these films series are able to introduce fans to a wide variety of characters, each with films of their own.
