Dragon Hole

Among countless under-water wonders, nature has to boast of, a blue hole is a spectacular one. It is a water-filled sinkhole that forms in a carbonate rock (such as limestone).

How the blue holes are formed

Chemical reactions at the interface of saltwater and freshwater create weak acids which dissolve the carbonate rock in the subsurface to form caves or cavities. Once the ceiling of the cave collapses, a blue hole is formed.

But there may be much more behind the formation of blue holes.The research to find out the exact reason as to where and why blue holes are formed is going on.

World's deepest blue hole: Dragon Hole

As of now, the deepest blue hole on earth is the Dragon Hole or Longdong in the South China Sea which is 300.89 meters deep.

The previous record for the deepest blue hole was upheld by the Dean's Blue Hole in the Bahamas (measuring 202m)
