
The Nelson at 11:11 on 11/11/11

History of Snapchat

Highest number of skyscrapers in the world

Jackson dies, almost takes Internet with him

The first non-human to win an Oscar

India's eight biggest employers

Chess was invented in India

The Headless Chicken

World's first under water tennis stadium

90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes

Mountain Dew was Invented as Whiskey Mix

Velu Nachiyar is the first Indian queen to fight against the British Colonial Power in India

In 1938, Adolf Hitler was Time Magazine's "Person of Year"

Meaning Behind the Five Olympic Rings?

History of Microsoft

Cats cannot taste sugar

Male kangroos flex their biceps to impress females

Gas is naturally odorless

Shoe size of statue of liberty

World's smallest and lightest satellite

Cats sweat through their paws

Christina Koch set the record for the longest spaceflight by a woman